Tuesday, May 16, 2017

One Month!

 Vivian turned 1 month old on November 21st!  That month went by way too fast for me.  We have loved adding her to our family, and once again, it seems like she has always been here.  She is precious beyond words, and just such a happy baby.  Here is some info about her first month of life:

  • She is a snuggly, sleepy baby.  I do have to wake her up to feed her.  This has slowly gotten better and she has had more awake time.With three, I haven't had a ton of time to hold her, but she is pretty happy being in the bouncer and swing.
  • During the day she is up about every 3 hours to eat.  She has also turned into a good nighttime sleeper.  The first few weeks were a little rough and she wanted to be held all night and didn't really like sleeping for very long stretches.  She does love sleeping in our bed...anytime I put her in bed with us she seems to go right to sleep.
  • She eats great, about every 3 hours.  Has not been introduced to a bottle yet, but we plan to do that next month.
  • In newborn and size 3 month clothes, and newborn diapers.
  • Our first baby to look like Jeramy!  We get comments all the time on how she looks like daddy, but still looks like her sisters.  I am happy that one of our kids looks like him!
  • Everyone also comments on how much hair Vivian has.  She does have a ton of hair for a baby, but both Sophia and Addison did too.
  • Vivian is such a snuggly baby and loves to just cuddle with me.  I would do it all day if I could!  She is so sweet.
  • She does love being swaddled and likes her pacifier.  
One Month Stats:
Weight: 9 pounds (50%)
Height: 20.5 inches (25%)
HC: 14 inches (15%)

Here are some more pics of our girl.  She is so loved!!

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